The exercises of this type are just for the dictations and only in PDF format. The task sheet shows the text with several gaps. Underneath the text you'll find the words which belong to the gaps.

There are two versions of this task type.

For level A1-A2: Here the number of words beneath the text corresponds to the number of gaps. Each word belongs to a certain gap.


For level B1-B2: Here are more words beneath the text than there are gaps. Some of the words don't match any gap.


You can find the exercises on the respective pages of our dictations.

Explanations to further online-exercises:

» der-die-das

» Kasus finden

» Lückensätze

» Alles verstanden?

  • Texte zum Lesen
  • Übungen zu Texten
  • Texte zum Schreiben
  • Texte zum Hören

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